Saturday, October 16, 2010

Egyptian Mummies Prove Cancer is 'Man-Made'

Cancer is the bane of the modern world. It kills millions of people annually. Yet the strange fact is, that there is almost no trace of the insidious killer among the remains of ancient peoples.

This incredible epiphany rocked researchers on their heels. Ancient people simply didn't die from any cancer-related disease.

During an interview with a UK paper, Professor Michael Zimmerman stated, "In an ancient society lacking surgical intervention, evidence of cancer should remain in all cases."

Yet the evidence gleaned from mummies and investigations into the causes of individual’s deaths revealed case after case where no cancer could be found.

"The virtual absence of malignancies in mummies," Zimmerman emphasized, "must be interpreted as indicating their rarity in antiquity, indicating that cancer-causing factors are limited to societies affected by modern industrialization."

For some years many cancer experts have contended that the modern-day malady must have its roots in the modern-day lifestyle, particularly that of the Western culture. The mute mummies have actually communicated a lot: their bodies' lack of cancers and tumors underscore many researcher's suspicions and tends to support their theories.

Not content to let physical evidence alone prove the case that cancer is man-made, Zimmerman and an associate, Rosalie David, poured through ancient literature, classical medical writings and investigated fossil records likely to contain the tell-tale signs of encroaching carcinoma.

More @ salem-news

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